
Star Trek Online: Travel To Distant Worlds?

First, one must obviously - associated with pension transfer MMORPGs - create your character. Here are several settings available, ranging from sex to the uniform type to customize your character to your own preferences. Of course,cheap wow gold listed here are the known races in the Star Trek universe, for example Vulcan and Bajor.

Once that's done it're off - you need to swtor credits intervene immediately in a crisis using the Borg ship first on a ship and immediately afterwards with a small own. If these tutorial missions is going to be completed flown to Sol system, where other missions can be launched within the sector. The tutorial includes both space battles and special missions (which you can also go as captain). Initially, the own equipment, obviously, easy, no special skills are also available.

The missions themselves are usually similar to a television episode of the series: Firstly you obtain the information, how to proceed, it looks on that system. Once there, usually watch for some enemy ships will be destroyed (some have friendly ships to be protected). Once done, you'll beam to the planet, high are usually another quest giver, that is another task at hand (or necessary details towards the existing one. If a person does the task goes, it back into space.

Many missions are structured according to this scheme, which is a little sad. Classic first-contact "episodes, that comes buy diablo3 gold to building a peaceful contact with a mystery race, are hardly represented. This really is explained partly because Star Trek Online takes place after the destruction of Romulus and Remus through the supernova, that has led to the parallel timeline of the last Star Trek movie. Species 8472 also threatened the quadrant (hanging around "Undine" is named). The Klingons are also war-set (and a Federation character might be even the Klingons play, this is actually the content clearly PvP-heavy).

After initial problems, the technical implementation has become quite solid. The spaceships are visually appealing, the frame rates are moving consistently within the green zone (Geforce GTX 260 / 216, Core i7 3.33 GHz, 6 GB of RAM, Windows 7 x64). In the ground missions missing some degree of detail within the textures, only the fact-finding missions in new sectors that brands could be collected to upgrade weapons, had a a bit more love can endure.

The sound can also be monotonous over time, even if the weapon sounds, such as the photon torpedoes, which perfectly match the cinematic realization. Nice bonus: Once you take on an unknown sector is among the political situation and the enemies there, lacking Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock) is explained.

The German translation is also not complete, so it leads to play the game in English - listed here are all text fits.

Perhaps not as addictive as Wow,sto credits,still nice, every now and again to play a brief mission. A group for raids you're usually within the endgame content instructed before you can fend for themselves or be certain that automatically join the significant groups. From Star Trek license, but you would have to make certain things are missing just more peaceful missions. Known sites and borrows from the series but they are available (mirror universe, Romulus destroyed Deep Space 9, etc.). As a fan, you are feeling already in your own home within this game.

